Browse P450 families

P450 families are organized according to the main branches of kingdom of life. Browse the P450 atlas by selecting the family group below. Alternatively, type a CYP-family or CYP-family ID into the search box:

CYP51 .. CYP69
CYP501 ..CYP699
CYP5001 .. CYP6999

Lower eukaryotes like fungi, protist; includes also viruses

CYP71 .. CYP99
CYP701 .. CYP999
CYP7001 .. CYP9999

Plants, including red algae and glaucophytes

CYP6001 .. CYP6099

Fungal fusions of P450s with other enzymes, e.g. dioxygenases or peroxygenases or isomerases.

CYP440 .. CYP446

Reserved for CYP74 clan members found in animals